Every year, ATA holds elections for three Directors’ positions (three-year term). 在奇数年, 为当选总统举行选举, 秘书, 和财务主管. 选举程序, 从提名委员会到竞选活动再到投票, 详情请看这里.


1. 提名

A. 基金会

The Nominating and Leadership Development Committee (NLDC) shall be appointed pursuant to 第七条, 第二节.d. 的章程.

B. 董事会成员提名

每年, ATA holds elections for three Directors’ positions (for a three-year term) and, 在奇数年, 当选总统职位(任期两年), 秘书(任期两年), 兼司库(任期两年).  The NLDC shall identify and propose candidates for each elective position that becomes vacant in that year.  It shall propose at least two candidates for each Officer position (President-elect, 秘书, 和司库),每个董事职位至少有两名候选人.

The NLDC shall consider nominations and self-nominations from all qualified members, and may also consider and propose candidates who were not otherwise nominated.

The NLDC shall attempt to put forward a balanced slate that is representative of the membership at large.  在建立石板时, NLDC不能仅仅因为年龄而拒绝被提名人, 性, 比赛, 宗教, 种族, 国家的起源, 性别认同, 性取向, working or other languages or other factors that do not directly impact the candidate’s inherent leadership ability or ability to effectively represent the membership.

国家发展委员会应使候选人牢记为理事会服务的义务, 比如时间承诺, 受托责任, 以及遵守ATA政策.

C. 提名的日历

A Call for 提名 shall be distributed every January via ATA编年史 and other ATA media.  It shall include information about the different ways to become a candidate.

航空运输协会成员可向全国发展委员会推荐自己作为潜在候选人, 由其他成员提议, 或者被全国民主委员会联系.

Those who respond to the Call for 提名 shall indicate in writing their willingness to run for office and provide the NLDC with supporting information regarding their qualifications.

提名将于3月1日截止. 不迟于5月1日, 全国民主委员会应提交提名的候选人名单, 连同他们的书面接受书, 送往航协总部, 提交给ATA董事会.

NLDC应核实, 总部确认, the Active membership status of each candidate before the proposed slate is presented to the Board.  The Board shall instruct Headquarters to inform the candidates of the acceptance or non-acceptance of their candidacy by the NLDC and to publish the slate proposed by the NLDC to the membership in the June issue of ATA编年史 and on the ATA website and in other ATA media.

D. 呈请候选人

一旦石板出版, petitions for any position may be submitted in accordance with the procedures for petitioning as outlined in the ATA Bylaws, 第七条, 第二节.d.3.

The NLDC shall forward any petitions that are received within the required deadline and with the required number of signatures as per the ATA Bylaws noted above to Headquarters to verify the number and voting status of the petitioners.

Headquarters shall forward the list of successful candidates-by-petition to the Board. These candidates-by-petition become part of the slate and shall receive equal treatment as candidates.


2. 运动

A. 竞选活动

运动应当公开,这是协会的政策, 有尊严的, 积极的, 专注于问题和候选人的资格.  Candidates, as well as all members, should refrain from ad-hominem attacks.  Candidates shall not accept campaign contributions nor shall they personally incur more than nominal expenses for campaigning.

B. 代言

无论地点如何, 语境或受众, the opinions and comments of the Association’s leadership nevertheless may be perceived as carrying more weight.  像这样, all elected office holders and appointed representatives of the Association (officers, 董事会成员, 委员会主席, 部门管理员, 助理管理员, 领导委员会成员, and spokespersons) and its employees are expected to maintain neutrality surrounding elections.  They shall refrain from publicly endorsing or showing preference to any candidate for office, 无论是明确的还是隐含的, 在任何时候.  协会鼓励各分会不要作出背书.

C. 平等空间政策

Any ATA publications or platforms that publish candidate messages shall provide equal space to all candidates.  Sufficient space will be allocated in ATA编年史 for each candidate’s photograph and 500-word statement setting forth their qualifications and goals for the position and responding to questions appropriate for the position sought. 总部将提供有关的最后期限.  电子媒体也可提供额外的空间.  No resources of the Association or its divisions shall be used to promote any individual candidate over another. 鼓励ATA各分会遵守这一平等的空间政策.


3. 选举

A. 代理

Voting members may authorize a limited (instructed) proxy by providing instructions electronically, 如果可用, 发给代理持有人, 根据纽约州法律和美国航空运输协会章程的规定.  A designated person may be used to tally the proxies and officially cast the votes at the Annual Meeting of Voting Members as provided in the bylaws.  候选人不得被指定为代理人.

B. 选票

候选人的名字将在选票和代理上随机化.  当需要填补常规和未到期的职位时, 这些职位的所有候选人应列在一张选票上.  在这种情况下, 并根据ATA章程第11条第9款(投票), the longer terms shall be allocated among those receiving a plurality vote in the order in which they obtain greater numbers of votes.  If there is a tie, the question shall be decided by the 董事会 at its next meeting.

C. 候选人取款

If a candidate withdraws their nomination more than 4 weeks before proxy voting has begun, the NLDC shall recruit a new candidate for the position and the new candidate shall be listed on the ballot.

If a candidate withdraws their nomination less than 4 weeks before proxy voting has begun, the withdrawing candidate shall remain on the proxy ballot and the printed ballot, 但是任何投给退出候选人的选票都是无效的.

如果候选人在代理投票开始后撤回提名, 目前还没有其他候选人被提名, the position shall be considered vacant and filled in accordance with the Association bylaws.

D. End-of-选举-Cycle行动

每次选举结束时, the NLDC shall transfer to Headquarters all records and files of its discussions and actions.  主席应与执行主任联系,协调此项转移.



