
  • Translation is written and interpreting is spoken: they’re two different skills. Demonstrate the difference with a few basic examples.
  • 会两种语言并不足以让你成为一名笔译或口译员:你需要额外的培训. Highlight education requirements and helpful life experiences, 并向学生们指出更多关于翻译和口译培训项目的信息. Emphasize the need for excellent English vocabulary, 语法, and writing in addition to foreign language skills.
  • Translation is more than word-substitution. 给出翻译错误或直译的具体例子,并鼓励学生改进.
  • Machine translation isn’t going to replace human translators anytime soon. 从Babelfish或其他来源提供具体的例子,并讨论MT的优缺点.
  • Foreign language skills pay off in the workplace. Highlight the need for language proficiency in hospitals, 学校, 法院, 在社会服务方面, 在国际法和商业领域. 强调语言技能是任何知名职业(医生)的优势, 工程师, 护士, 业务主管). 指出,当公司裁员时,会说第二种语言的员工更有可能保住工作, 合并, 或者解雇.



Begin by introducing yourself and identifying the languages you use. As you talk about your work, use anecdotes from your own experience. 一些例子:

  • 描述一下你是如何对语言产生兴趣的,以及你是如何进入这个行业的.
  • Describe your working conditions (flexibility and portability of translation; travel involved in interpreting; multiple options in economic downturns; pros and cons of working in a home office).
  • Tell the students what a typical day is like, 一定要用你做过的高知名度工作的例子(比如在著名的审判或政治峰会上的口译), 翻译或审阅 国家地理). 如果你愿意, include a brief anecdote or two on your most _________ experience (interesting, 令人兴奋的, 使人心烦的, 令人尴尬的, 等.).


  • Ask questions and encourage the students to do the same. 如果你还不知道的话, ask how many of your listeners speak or have studied languages other than English, how advanced foreign language students are in their studies, and what they already know about translation and interpreting. 这同时也打破了僵局,让你可以根据听众的需要调整你的演讲.
  • Hand out sample translations (of non-confidential material!)和相应的源文本, highlight difficult or ambiguous terms, and challenge the students to find solutions for them. It’s also helpful to describe the research you did to arrive at your translation.
  • 找一个会说你的语言的学生或老师,做一个简短的口译示范.


  • 比较和对比翻译和口译所需的技能、特点和才能. Point out that translators are essentially 作家 并且需要优秀的英语写作能力和较高的外语水平(老师喜欢这个)!). Describe the experience of living and working in another country.
  • Discuss the tools of the trade: computers (PC, 笔记本电脑), 字典, 术语数据库, 互联网, 电子邮件, 传真, 计算机程序, 等.
  • Use personal anecdotes illustrating job opportunities for multilinguals. Point out that if the choice comes down to two equally qualified candidates, 会两种语言可能是一种优势. Show transparencies of classified ads seeking bilingual candidates.
  • 小心处理补偿问题:使用范围而不是孤立的数字, and point out that there are no standard rates within the profession. 例如,ATA Translation and Interpreting Compensation Survey 发现全职独立笔译和口译人员2001年的平均收入在30美元之间,090 to $64,234, 取决于经验水平.
    底线是:如果你是全职的翻译,你可以赚到六位数, 专业, invest in yourself through professional development, 并努力建立你的实践.
  • 提供翻译和口译职业资源的具体信息,并讨论指导在成为专业人士中的作用. See the links below for more information.


  • Challenge the students to solve some translation problems themselves. 发给学生一份翻译范例或翻译问题清单,要求他们想出地道的解决办法. Try to include one example that has no satisfactory equivalent, and ask the students how they would write around the problem. 要强调的一点是,翻译和口译远远超出了词语替代的范畴. 在较长的演讲中, 这可以为讨论机器翻译的局限性和文化差异在翻译和口译中的作用提供一个有用的跳板.
  • 使用有趣的翻译漏洞. Humorous examples of machine translation are another good option. Signs and bizarre menu items also work well, 但要小心避免任何暗示外国人愚蠢或“不能正确说话”的说法.”
    一旦笑声渐渐平息, challenge the students to come up with an idiomatic translation into English. 要强调的一点是,一个合格的专业翻译员或口译员可以通过培训和他或她的语言和学科领域的优秀知识来避免这种错误. 这是讨论教育要求和机器翻译限制的一个很好的起点.
  • Don’t underestimate the value of bribery, even with adults. 问一些具有挑战性的问题,并为聪明或有趣的答案颁发奖品. 这些可能包括巧克力棒, 海报, 地图, bumper stickers or buttons in foreign languages, English-language books about a foreign country, 甚至是ATAware(这是你摆脱多余的手提袋或咖啡杯的机会)!).


留下一些有形的东西会放大你的访问效果,最终为你在演讲中投入的时间和精力带来更好的回报. Give the students sample translations (non-confidential ones!), a handout summarizing your presentation, a resource handout with web addresses and other pointers to more information, 关于你工作的传单, 或者是你雇主的永利最新网址册. 给教授一份资源讲义,上面有关于翻译和口译职业的进一步信息.


Statistics on the size and growth of the translating and interpreting professions.


Spend some time with the teacher before or after your presentation.
这可以是关于这个关卡的资源讲义的五分钟聊天,也可以是一杯咖啡或一次午餐约会. 一位经验丰富的演讲者报告说,老师们非常渴望从她身上学到更多,她发现与他们的接触非常有益.

Cultivate a relationship with your local college or university.
让他们知道你的职业,并主动提出在外语相关的科目和学校的职业导向活动上发言. 别忘了材料:外语系可能会很高兴收到你的旧刊 勒点 or 《永利登录网址》.

Organize a panel presentation on language careers..
Panelists could include a court or medical interpreter, 内部翻译, 自由翻译, translation company owner and/or project manager, and/or bilinguals who use their language skills in practicing another profession.

这包括邀请一个学生到你的工作场所,让他在工作日的全部或部分时间里亲自动手, “day in the life” experience of your profession.




ATA has assembled a sample slideshow that you can download and adapt.


下面的每个链接都将带您到一个示例演示文稿,可以根据您的需要进行调整. If you use or adapt any of these materials, please be sure to acknowledge the author’s contribution appropriately. All materials are in English unless otherwise noted.

Presentation providing an outline presentation for high school students.
请感谢:Sarah L. Garriott and the Academy of Languages Translation & 口译服务

Slides providing a detailed look at the translation profession, including the advantages of working in-house vs. freelance and how to work with agencies.
请感谢:Kim Vitray

对于那些考虑从事翻译或口译工作的学生来说,这是一个很好的信息. Includes how to find work as freelancer; a typical day.

一份西班牙语和英语的911基本信息表,可以用作简短的口译练习. 包括演讲技巧.
请感谢:John Shaklee

Ways students can prepare for learning a foreign language.
请感谢:Dana Scruggs

请感谢:Rosario Welle

Please acknowledge: Marise Lashley and Paul Hopper

Short essay on the translation profession in Spanish, originally used in Introduction to Translation classes.
Please acknowledge: Claudia Giannini-Coll
