
  • Translation is written and interpreting is spoken: they’re two different skills. 用课堂上的一些基本练习来证明两者的区别(见下文).
  • 会两种语言并不足以让你成为一名笔译或口译员:你需要额外的培训. Briefly discuss educational requirements and helpful life experiences. 强调优秀的英语和外语语法的必要性也是有用的.
  • Translation is more than word-substitution. 举例说明孩子能理解的翻译问题或具有特定文化背景的单词.



Begin by introducing yourself and identifying the languages you use. As you talk about your work, use anecdotes from your own experience.


  • 描述一下你是如何对语言产生兴趣的,以及你是如何进入这个行业的. 以此为跳板,提到你的工作所需的才能和性格特征(良好的记忆力), 好的词汇, 热爱语言, 等.).
  • 概述你的工作条件,并告诉学生典型的一天是什么样的. 许多学生喜欢听有关在国外生活、旅行和与口译有关的著名事件.
  • Discuss the tools of the trade: computers (PC, 笔记本电脑), 字典, 互联网, 电子邮件, 传真, 计算机程序, 等.


让孩子们尽快参与进来:问问题并鼓励他们也这样做. 询问他们接触其他语言的情况可以打破僵局,同时让你对听众有更好的感觉.


  • Who can point out the countries where my languages are spoken on the map?
  • Who speaks another language at home?
  • 什么语言?
  • Can you point out the country or countries where it is spoken on the map?
  • Who has learned another language in school?
  • What do you call someone who speaks two languages very well (bilingual)?
  • Where have you used another language (e.g., travel, fun, talking to grandparents)?
  • Where have you seen a translator/interpreter?


Give specific, hands-on examples and use props and audiovisuals whenever you can.

  • Do translation and interpreting exercises in class to demonstrate the difference. 让学生用一种语言在黑板上写下一个基本的单词或句子,然后让志愿者上来用另一种语言写下这个单词,做一个简单的翻译. 然后带他们进行口译练习:用他们知道的一种语言说一个常见的短语,然后要求一个志愿者用另一种语言为你翻译. (如果孩子们都只会说一种语言, tell the teacher in advance what you’ll be saying to the class, and have him or her repeat it in English.) Highlight the key point: translation is written; interpreting is spoken.
  • Display or hand out some very simple translations, ideally of things the children may be familiar with. Tell them their names in a foreign language; show them bilingual labels on the packaging for international foods; or show them photographs of signs in foreign countries.
  • 使用地图. Ask the teacher in advance what kinds of maps are available in the classroom. If you’re focusing on a particular country, 您可能需要携带您自己的地图或地图的复印件供学生保存. 时差确实会引起人们的注意:当一组四年级学生被告知,他们家乡的上午10:30在巴黎是下午4:30时,他们听得出喘息的声音.
  • 对于大一点的孩子, 通过给学生一个有多个意思的简单单词来说明歧义问题. This could be as simple as the word “年级的时候,” which would often be translated as two different words in the two sentences, “我在第三层 年级的时候,和“我得到了一个好…… 年级 在我的测试中.给出(或要求学生提供)这个术语的每个含义的翻译 highlight the key point: you can’t possibly translate it accurately until you 了解它在上下文中的意思.
  • Highlight the difficulty of translating culturally specific words. 在适当的语言中选择一个具有特定文化背景的单词,并要求学生想出这个单词的意思以及它所具有的所有联想. Highlight the key point: you can’t just replace one word with another.
  • Reinforce the message: write key points on the board as you go. 当你提出每一个观点时,回顾并问问题:“谁能告诉我翻译是什么??” “Who can tell me what interpreting is?最后, 打个招呼, 多项选择“突击测验”的设计是简单和有趣的,同时加强重点的谈话. 一个示例问题可能是“以下哪个国家不讲西班牙语?? a) Mexico; b) Venezuela; c) Uruguay; or d) Mesopotamia.“让学生交换试卷并改正,然后大声复习问题.


Use props and audiovisuals whenever you can. 一些例子:

  • Bring translated material in source and target text. 试一试 彩虹鱼戴帽子的猫, 哈利波特系列的任何一本, or any other material that is appropriate to the age group you’re addressing. (Some of these resources may be available from your local library.) Or bring dubbed and/or subtitled movies. You can also bring three versions—one in English, 一个有字幕,一个有配音,让孩子们看到和听到它们的区别. 指出所有这些都是以一种语言开始的,必须被翻译成另一种语言.
  • 将适合年龄的漫画翻译成英语,并在两种不同颜色的纸上复制源文本和目标文本. 告诉全班你有一些有趣的漫画,并分发外文版本. 问:“你不喜欢他们吗?? 为什么没有人笑?” The kids will probably respond, “We can’t read it.” Ask, “What should we do about it? 永利登录网址怎么读?” (Possible funny responses: Ask mommy to read it, 请老师读一读, 请校长读一读.) Explain that they can’t read the cartoons because they aren’t in English, so they’ll need to find a translator. “Fortunately,” you continue, “I just happen to be a translator! Do you want me to translate these cartoons for you?孩子们应该大喊:“是的。!” Spend a few seconds at the teacher’s desk “pretending” to translate the cartoons. Then pick up the translations and say, “All done! Who wants to read funny English cartoons?“把它们分发出去,好好享受吧!
  • Read or talk to the students in a foreign language
  • Do a brief interpreting demonstration. One mother does live interpreting demos with her sons in their school. Pretending that she only speaks French, 她对全班同学讲话, and one of her sons interprets what she’s said to his classmates. If the kids have questions on interpreting and translating, they can also be interpreted back to her in French.
  • 带入外币. 把账单样本放在一个清晰的文件夹里,在班上传阅(或者让学生传阅)。. 如果你有足够的零钱, you could even let the children keep a coin or give it away as a prize.
  • 把照片, 明信片, 工艺品, 或者其他纪念品放在相册里,或者放在保护套里,在教室里传阅. 孩子们可以触摸的工艺品是一个很好的主意:一个六年级的班级喜欢看到和触摸一件来自秘鲁的手工编织雨披.


留下一些有形的东西会让你在演讲中投入的时间和精力得到更好的回报. 给孩子纪念品或零食, such as novelty school supplies (a notepad in the shape of a globe; a pen that lights up), 微型外国国旗, 贴纸, 色彩鲜艳的讲义, 来自另一种文化的食物, 或地图. 即使是一张关于你工作的传单或一本关于你雇主的小册子也会帮助学生记住你和你的演讲. 给老师发一份资源讲义,上面有更多关于翻译和口译的信息.


Spend some time with the teacher before or after your presentation.
这可以是关于这个关卡的资源讲义的五分钟聊天,也可以是一杯咖啡或一次午餐约会. 一位经验丰富的演讲者报告说,老师们非常渴望从她身上学到更多,她发现与他们的接触非常有益.

Cultivate a relationship with your local school.
让你孩子的老师(或最近的学校)知道你的职业,并在学校的职业导向活动中提供与外语相关的主题演讲. 一位家长每个月去女儿的教室两次,每次15分钟,教她小时候学过的一些语言.

Help organize an “International Night” at your child’s school.
Begin with a “parade of nations” with the kids carrying flags of various countries. 之后,家长和学生可以分享文物、信息、食物、舞蹈等. from their countries of origin or interest.


ATA has assembled a sample slideshow that you can download and adapt.


这些示例演示,技巧和练习可以根据您的需要进行调整. If you do use any of these materials, please be sure to acknowledge the author’s contribution appropriately.
